Selling Business - the Drill or the Hole? Is Product or the Desire Your Focus? Have Success Selling!

I have recently learned a very valuable lesson, it has to do with selling business, but what are we "selling"?

Drill Power Tools

If you look at this simple analogy it may make some sense to you; we should not be selling the "drill", rather we should be selling the "hole". The point is we can tend to focus on the "drill" (our product ) rather than the "hole" - the lifestyle, dreams and goals that we all desire as would be obtained by our product.

Drill Power Tools

I am changing my focus from the "drill" to the "hole"! I would encourage you to do the same and when you do, ask yourself - how big a "hole" do I want to have? Do you want to have a "hole" that you can run through and reach your desired lifestyle, dreams and goals, one that is really takes lots of effort to go through, or the one that would be really frustrating; a "hole" that is just big enough to look through and see what your lifestyle, dreams and goals could be, but not big enough to go through?

The funny thing about drilling a hole is the hardest part is getting the hole started. When you are drilling a large hole, you need to have a "pilot hole". A pilot hole is the hole used to guide a large drill bit and keeps the drill bit on target. This could be related to a system of developing goals, focus and an understanding of where you are going, so you don't have to worry about going off course. Now, some of us have a "hole" as the one I described above - a "hole" big enough for us to see or understand our desired lifestyle, dreams and goals, but not one big enough for us to get to them. This is because our desire is not big enough, our belief is not strong enough and our focused effort is not put forth consistently. Hint: we can attain all of this in Personal Development!

The "pilot hole" is the system that we have to follow here to achieve success; we have the "pilot hole" drilled for us, but it is up to us to figure out how to use this to guide our "drill" to make our "hole". There are a few components necessary to make this "hole" happen; A "drill", a "source of power" for the "drill", a "sharp and hard drill bit" to cut through the "material" we are drilling through and a "relaxed constant pressure" to move it ahead.

So first, the "drill" is going to need some power and that power has to come from us. If we do not power the "drill", then no matter how good a "drill" it is, the "hole" cannot be drilled! We need a good consistent "source of power", we could consider part of the source of this power as an abundant source of leads. Another "source of power", comes from the activity that we generate (funny how we use "generate" all the time - "generate activity") and it is most important that we ensure our activity is consistent to generate enough regular power for our "drill". But the true source of power comes from a clear understanding of our desired lifestyle, dreams and goals.

Another component is the "drill bit"; we need our "drill bit" to be really sharp and made of some really hard substance (harder than what we are drilling through), some might call this substance "tenacity" others might call it "belief". We have to know that we are going to come across some pretty tough "material" (challenges / circumstances) as we are "drilling our hole" and we have to ensure that everything is working in sync to ensure that we get through it this tough "material". Being a true student of personal development, as well as being someone that masterminds with leaders in our businesses and attends ongoing training; you will develop belief in your "drill" and you will know that it can get the job done.

And finally, If you have ever used a drill, you will know that if you are drilling a big hole too slow, or you are pressing it too hard, the drill easily gets jammed and stalls. To fix this problem, you have to back off the pressure on the drill, power it up and start drilling faster with more power and speed. This also has to be combined with persistence; if you keep drilling, you will make the hole! But if you keep stopping and looking to see if you have drilled the hole yet, or just want to see how it is going, you are not moving forward to attaining your goal of drilling the hole and your momentum is lost.

What we need to focus on for our business to become successful is the "hole". Same goes for those that are considering starting into business with us; we need to focus on their "hole" by understanding what their desired lifestyle, dreams and goals are . Once we and they have a good understanding of what their "hole" will look like, they will really desire the "drill" to make the "hole" happen. It should be then that we worry about showing them the "drill" and the "pilot hole" that is available for them to attain their "hole". Showing them the "drill" too soon could distract them from their "hole" or they might just think that the "drill" is more than they need. In other words, we need to ensure that we have a mutual understanding of their desired lifestyle, dreams and goals is and if theirs are big enough for the "drill" that is your business or product, they will realize that it is the perfect tool to get the job done! This is really important to understand; we need to interview our potential client to determine how big their "hole" is, if they only need a "little hole", why would they want to buy a "big drill"?

It is important to understand that if we do not fully understand and believe that we can have the "hole" of our desired lifestyle, dreams and goals; then how are we able to communicate to others the belief that they too can have their "hole". This could be why some of us are struggling with our businesses; we are just trying to sell a "drill" to anyone that might want to buy one, rather than looking for someone that desires a "hole". Once we find the people that want to talk about their desired "hole" and we help them understand that it is attainable by providing them information on our "drill", all we have to do then is simply let them determine that the we have the "drill" to make the "hole" happen.

So, ensure that the components you need to get the job done are in place, by focusing on your "hole". With daily visualization and meditation on your "hole" you will attain your "hole" - your desired lifestyle, dreams and goals. The next part is easy, just go out and find other people to speak to and talk about their "hole", once they see you as someone that will lead them to attaining their "hole" , they will buy the "drill"!

That is successful selling!

Because YOU Deserve Money!

© 2006. Nicholls Enterprises - []

Selling Business - the Drill or the Hole? Is Product or the Desire Your Focus? Have Success Selling!
Drill Power Tools

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